Library Rules 

Closed Access System

The readers will not have direct access to the Books, Journals, Magazines, CD’s and Shelves. Readers must search on Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) on computers available in the Library and inform to the Library Assistant about their requirement.  Library Staff will be able to provide as per the availability of the document in the stacks. 


All the students who are currently on rolls of Texila American University, Zambia are members of the Learning Resource Centre.  Library Assistant can register the student in the library through the orientation process and the student has to fill the membership card and submit to the LRC.  This card is signed by Librarian and information is extracted to the membership database by the Library Assistant into the Library Automation software.  All the faculty and staff are allowed to be the member of the LRC.

Personal Property

As you are aware that, TAU Library is closed access system and students are not allowed into the stacking area with the personal belongings such as bags, brief cases, personal text books and library books issued on borrower's cards, etc. 

Should the Library provide LOCKER FACILITY for all the students.  The following rules and regulations are applicable to those who wish to utilize the services. 

Rules and Regulations:

  • The locker facility is available for the students in a disignated area.
  • Locker Keys can be uplifted and returned to the Library desk.
  • Those who wants to avail the locker facility from the Library, they must sign-in in the log register and returned before the examinations of each semester. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to appear for the examinations.
  • I understand that if a locker is assigned to me, I am NOT allowed to switch with or give my locker to another student.
  • I understand that I will NOT be allowed to change the lock and should there be any problem with the lock I will notify the Library Staff, IT or Student Affairs Department.
  • I will notify management if I vacate the locker prior to my graduation date or special leave i.e. visiting abroad.
  • I understand that I am prohibited from storing perishable food items, items which could potentially be deemed unsafe or cause harm to self or others, alcohol, controlled substances or any other item prohibited by the university.
  • I understand the locker may be opened by the university personnel for emergency purposes or for good cause as determined by the Dean or other authorized personnel.
  • I understand that if a notice is sent via the university or other official means to vacate the locker and remove the lock and I fail to do so by the date specified, the lock will be cut or removed and all contents inside the locker will be immediately discarded.
  • If locker keys is lost or stolen, an amount of GYD 2500 would be charged for a replacement.

Library staff will not be responsible for any damage or loss of the same.

Circulation System 

(a)  Check out (Issue) - Students: Students can be issued 2 (Two) books for a period of 5 (Five) days.  Journals and Magazines can’t be issued to the students.  Each student can be issue 1 (One) Reference book during the weekend period, i.e., Friday after 4.00 pm. and the condition is to return back to the Library by Monday morning first hour or break time.  Otherwise, student will be penalized for the same as per norms.

(b)  Check out (Issue) - Faculty: Faculty can be issued 3 (Three) books for a period of 30 days.  If they require further period, they should return to the Library by the faculty members and wait for minimum of 3 (three) days to take the book from the Library. Faculty can access the print journals or magazines during the weekend period and return back to the Library by Monday morning.  It helps the other users can access the journals in the Library.

(c)   Check in (Returns): Library material can be returned to the Library by any user in time.  It helps in circulate to other users without any difficulty.  If any overdue, the candidate has to pay necessary overdue charges as per the rules and regulations of the Library. 

(d)  Reserve items:  Any user can reserve any book as per the requirement with prior information to the Library staff or through Library Automation Software.

(e)  Recall items on loan:  If any book is in demanded by other user, the Library staff can recall the books from the borrowed student and circulate to the required user in time.

(f)   Renew items on loan: Any user can borrowed item can be renewed for another 5 (Five) day’s period only and the third time can’t be renewed for the same user.  It will be given to the other user.

(g)  Loss of textbook: In case of loss of text book, journal, magazine or any other material, the user has to replace the book with same or latest edition or pay the double the cost of the book.  If the document is not available in the market to purchase, in this process, Library staff will give the fine slip to the user and the same can be deposited in the accounts department by the user for concerned document.  Librarian can make necessary report to weed out the books from the Library with the permission of Library Committee.

If the volume of the set/series is mutilated or lost and a new volume is not separately available the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set/series or pay double the cost of the same. The other volumes of the set/series will be given to the member after the set/series is replaced either by the member or the library procuring it.

Not for Issue 

Journals, Magazines, Reference books, Thesis, Rare books, Video cassettes, Compact Disks, Newspapers and such other materials placed under restricted categories by the Librarian and will not be lent out from the Library. They can be referred to in the library only. 

Due Date

Books must be returned on or before the due date mentioned in the due date slip. In case the book is recalled by the librarian, before the due date, the same must be returned within a day. If the book is not returned to the Library by the user on the due date, a penalty will be as follows:

For the 1st three days                      -              10 ZMW per day

Next 4 days                                        -              10 ZMW per day

On the 8th day onwards                   -              10 ZMW per day

  1. If book is overdue by the students, the Library Assistant writes a Library Overdue Fee Slip and keeps a duplicate for student to pay the fine to the Accounts Manager by the students directly. When the student returns with the receipt, Library Assistant clears the student dues and approves the NOC from the Library. 
  2. The book is checked for any damages by the Library Assistant, if book is damaged but usable, a fine of 10% of the book’s cost would be charged to the student. If it is deemed unusable 200% of the cost of the book or market value of the book at the time of whichever is higher to be charged.  If the books is not identified locally and found not available for purchase, then 200% of the cost of the book will be charged on the Student by way of “Overdue Fine Slip”.  The student is given up to 1 week to pay the fine after slip is issued. 


The renewal of the books will be done as per norms.  Each student can renew the text book for second time.  The third time, the same student can’t be renewed the book.  Renewal will be done only on the physical presentation of the books.

Issue of No Due Certificate

A member will be given 'NO DUES CERTIFICATE' from the Library after he/she returns all the books issued, and pays outstanding dues, if any, on the expiry of membership or termination of the connection with the parent institution, as the case may be. Prescribed format of “NO DUE CERTIFICATE” will be issued by the Dean – Student Affairs.  Failure to submit "NO DUE CERTIFICATE" to the Library, will result in withheld of results, marks memo certificates or any other action will be taken.

General Library Rules

(a) Library is a Noise Free Zone and proper discipline and absolute silence must be maintained by the member in the library.
(b) No reader is allowed to doze/nap/sleep in the library premises.
(c) No person entitled or permitted to use the library shall mutilate, disfigure, deface by writing in
the margins, by underlining the sentences, by marking passages or by damaging in- any other
way a book, periodical, map or chart or any other property of the Library.
(d) The Readers are liable for punishment and fine if they damage the books or tamper with any
other property of the library and/or cause inconvenience to the use of the library by other
members and staff or misbehave in any manner whatsoever.
(e) Such punishments may include one or more of the following: eviction from the library for the
day and recovery of the cost of damage; suspension of the library membership and usage for a
specified period; cancellation of the library membership for the remaining period of the,
academic year/course; and any other punishment the library committee or management may
deem fit and proper.
(f) No waste paper shall be thrown anywhere in the library except in the waste paper basket.
(g) Members of the Library are responsible for safe keeping of the books lent to them and are not
allowed to sub lend them.
(h) No eating/ drinking is allowed in Library.
(i) No calls/video chatting allowed in Library.


Violation of any of these rules will be considered a serious breach of discipline and the Librarian is empowered to take such action as is necessary in consultation with the concerned authorities.